
open class BDAuthenticationError(val reason: String, val isFatal: Boolean = true) : BDError

Authentication error - Invalid ProjectId/ Global config not valid/ Access Denied

isFatal - Indicates if error is fatal and service is stopped


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@RequiresApi(value = 29)
fun BDAuthenticationError(parcel: Parcel)
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fun BDAuthenticationError(reason: String, isFatal: Boolean = true)


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object CREATOR : Parcelable.Creator<BDAuthenticationError>


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open override val errorCode: Int

Returns error code

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open override val isFatal: Boolean = true

Indicates if error is fatal and service is stopped

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open override val reason: String

Provides human readable error reason


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open override fun describeContents(): Int
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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun writeToParcel(dest: Parcel, flags: Int)


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